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OpenZeppelin's avatarOpenZeppelin

This project is maintained by OpenZeppelin with the goal of providing a secure and reliable library of smart contract components for the ecosystem. We address security through risk management in various areas such as engineering and open source best practices, scoping and API design, multi-layered review processes, and incident response preparedness.

Solmate's avatarSolmate

A Transmissions11-hosted repository of solidity smart contract writing tools and libraries for authentication, token, utility, and vault building blocks. Developers can refer to the smart contract implementations in Solmate to leverage better security standards, quicker testnet deploys, and faster DApp to market rates. Solmate has +2k stars on GitHub and hundreds of users and contributors.

Solady's avatarSolady

Inspired by the Solmate project, Solady provides a library of Solidity snippets optimized for appropriate gas utilization. Developers can contribute gas-optimized Solidity snippets such as ECDSA, LibString, Sort, LibBitmap, MerkleProof, and SafeTransferLib. Although used by hundreds of developers, no guarantees are given, and further audits and optimization are encouraged.

Uniswap V4 HookBook's avatarUniswap V4 HookBook

Hookbook is a template library made by Cookbook for Uniswap v4, putting the innovative 'hooks' system to work. These hooks empower Uniswap v4 liquidity pools with new features, such as limit orders, dynamic fee structures, and bespoke oracle services. Each Hook contains a standardized and easy to use boilerplate with a testing environment, to make Hook development more streamlined.

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Remix, VSCode, ChainIDE, Atlas, and more is coming...
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Let Him Cook

Meet ChefGPT – your solidity AI assistant.
Let Him Cook

Never Cook Code Alone Again

Whole Cookbook library (and ChefGPT!) in your Remix IDE. Just install the plugin.
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Blockchains. Explained.

What the HECK is even zkEVM?
Blockchains. Explained.
So What Is a Cookbook?

NPM for smart contracts, except way better

  • Find, deploy and collaborate in Web3 easier. Deploy contracts through our UI, or download and modify directly.

  • View audits, documentation, and usage directly. Manage and interact with your contracts with our UI.

  • Open source, free to use, and truly collaborative.